‘Cushings’ is primarily a hormonal disorder caused by malfunction of the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain.
The pituitary is often referred to as the ‘master gland’ as it produces various hormones and substances which control body functions via other glands including the adrenal glands.
Overactivity (over-working) of the pituitary causes enlargement of the part of the gland called the ‘pars intermedia’ which then presses on the ‘Hypothalamus’ gland interfering with control of body temperature, and production of endorphins and dopamine. Abnormal sweat patterns and depression are characteristic of Cushing’s horses and ponies.
Overactivity of the pituitary gland leads to over-production of ACTH (adrenocorticotrophin hormone) which causes the adrenal glands to over-produce stress hormones like cortisol, increasing blood sugar and insulin levels and suppressing the immune system. ACTH levels are one of the markers used to diagnose Cushings.
It also leads to the over-production of MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) leading to abnormal hair growth and shedding patterns, hence the long curly coats often seen in horses with cushings.
"Humphrey shed his coat after adding Premium NZ Horse Minerals to his diet. He hadn't shed properly for years"
Gail Graham (Southland).
Lack of intervention and treatment will allow the disease to progress, causing:
Persistent lactation
Mild anemia
What to Do...
This depends on the progression of the disease and the state of their dentition. For horses exhibiting the milder signs then the diet change recommended here can lead to significant improvements.
Ponies like Humphrey and Dimples that had not shed for years have shed their coats normally, and when their winter coat grows it has not got the curly look.
It is no coincidence that horses and ponies who have a history of being metabolic and laminitic are prime candidates for Cushings Disease as they get older. Year after year of grazing the wrong grasses in the ‘wrong’ stage of growth eventually takes its toll.
Metabolic or obese horses and ponies are often kept on ‘Jenny Craig’ paddocks for long periods in an attempt to prevent them putting on weight. Unfortunately grass kept short like that is prone to potassium/nitrogen spikes and does not contain sufficient nutrition to keep the horse healthy. The micro-organisms of the hind-gut flora are starved of the coarse, fibrous material they need to ferment which in turn ‘feeds’ the horse.
Providing the teeth are still good, removing them from short, stressed grass and feeding them hay and salt makes a huge difference.
Except in more advanced cases where the horses quality of life is clearly compromised I recommend making diet changes initially. This will reduce the possibility of a laminitic episode.
*Always consult your veterinarian to confirm diagnosis and your equine dentist to assess their dentition.
Equine Cushings
Clinical signs of ‘Cushings’
More common in ponies
The average age of onset is usually over 15 years but can occur in animals as young as 7.
Abnormally long hair-coat and failure to shed their coat in spring.
Poor coat colour
Abnormal sweat patterns and inability to regulate body temperature
Muscle loss and wasting especially along topline, sway-back
Loss of lower abdominal muscle tone leads to pot-bellied appearance
Fat deposits above the eye
Excessive urination and drinking
Chronic or recurring laminitis
Lethargy or dullness
Poor wound healing
Failure of the ‘peripheral’ immune system causing skin conditions, hoof abcesses, conjunctivitis, gum disease, pneumonia
This is Dimples when she first came to us.
Here is Dimples after her diet was sorted out - she became a very happy healthy pony!